Did flight stuck on tarmac break law?

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has opened an investigation into whether any laws were violated last weekend when passengers were stranded overnight on an airport tarmac in Rochester, Minn.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says the department's general counsel is conducting the investigation.

"While we don't yet have all the facts, this incident as reported is very troubling," LaHood said in a statement. "We are investigating the incident and will do whatever we can to make sure passengers are not subjected to such situations in the future."

The department has sent Continental Airlinescal a letter seeking details on Continental Express Flight 2816. The flight left Houston at 9:23 p.m. Friday but arrived at its destination in Minneapolis midmorning on Saturday.

In between, passengers on the packed 50-seat plane spent about 5½ hours sitting on the airport tarmac in Rochester before being allowed to go inside the airport. The flight was diverted to Rochester because of thunderstorms in Minneapolis.

About 2½ hours after disembarking, passengers reboarded the plane and were flown to Minneapolis.

"Reasonable people are outraged at the idea of being stuck on a small plane for seven hours," LaHood wrote in a column posted online. Fliers "and those who are considering flying want to know that should a delay occur, they will be treated respectfully."

The department wants to know who was responsible for the well-being of the passengers — Continental or ExpressJet xjt, the regional air carrier that operated the flight for Continental — and why the flight remained on the ground so long, LaHood said. The department also wants to know what procedures the airlines have for deplaning passengers on diverted flights.

Julie King, a Continental spokeswoman, says the airline has received the letter and is cooperating with the investigation. She says Continental has a policy that no passenger should be subjected to a tarmac delay of three hours or more without being offered an opportunity to get off the aircraft if it can be done safely.

A spokeswoman for ExpressJet, also based in Houston, didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

Legislation pending in the Senate would require airlines to return passengers to the gate after a three-hour tarmac delay. The House has passed a less specific version that requires each airline to submit a plan to the Transportation Department for letting passengers off.

The Air Transport Association, which represents 12 major airlines, opposes the Senate version. It says a strict time limit for returning to the gate could result in more cancellations and inconvenience for passengers.

The provision is supported by passenger rights advocates, who have complained that passengers are frequently denied water, food and functioning restrooms during the strandings.