The World's Best Private Islands

March 26, 2002 -- It happens like clockwork: The economy sours and the luxury market sours with it. Yachts, jewels, art, mansions are suddenly too rich, even for the very rich, to accumulate.

But in the face of a major luxury slowdown, private islands, which can cost as much as $25 million, are still selling quite well.

The price for private islands — which serve as both getaways and novelty investments for wealthy individuals — may have dropped slightly, but brokers who specialize in this market, such as Farhad Vladi of Vladi Private Islands and John Christie of H.G. Christie in the Bahamas, have seen demand hold steady and insist that business may have even picked up in 2001.

According to Christie, his family's Bahamas real estate agency sold two of its large private islands in the last couple months, showing stronger sales than a typical year.

Vladi concurs. On average, he says he sells about 30 to 40 islands a year. Even though Sept. 11 prevented him from showing islands to potential buyers, he says that in the past six months he's seen a 10 percent to 20 percent increase in demand from U.S. buyers, especially for islands in the South Pacific and off the eastern coast of Canada.

The listings themselves tell a different story.

Of the 10 private islands for sale that first profiled over a year ago, nine have yet to find a buyer, and the price of one of the islands dropped by about 35 percent (Bird Cay island in the Bahamas dropped from $5.9 million to $3.85 million).

Market Correction for Private Islands?

This raises the question that if demand is strong, why the bargain prices?

Vladi says it's not unusual for an island to remain on the market for two or three years before it sells, and if the prices have dropped, it's because the private island market — like many other markets — was slightly inflated during the late 1990s when the global economy was booming. In effect, the private island market is seeing a correction.

The business of buying private islands is still very much a hobby of those with money to burn (both Christie and Vladi say they mostly see business mogul and celebrity buyers). Still, some private islands can cost as little as $20,000, and Vladi says he's seen lower-income clients refinance their homes to buy an island.

But beyond the price tag on the island itself, the owner will probably have to spend a minimum of $100,000 building a septic system, a water system and buying a generator for electricity, if these necessities don't already exist. (Additional amenities such as landing strips or deep-water docks tack on even more costs.) Maintenance and spare parts are also a continual expense.

The rule of thumb is that the more remote your island, the more it will cost to run.

The point is that unless you are willing to get by with cold showers and a gas-operated generator, private islands aren't cheap. To paraphrase J.P. Morgan's observation about owning yachts, if you have to ask how much a private island costs, you probably can't afford it anyway.

"A private island is basically a status symbol. It's just one of those things people want to say they own, but building a home on an island is a lot of work, and a lot of people buy the dream and end up selling it as a great investment," Christie says.

Nevertheless, because of the inconvenience, expense or other hassles involved, many island buyers keep the island for a couple years, invest zero time or money into developing it, and finally give up and sell the dream to another wide-eyed buyer.

Source of Profits, or Exclusive Get-Away

Richard Branson, who takes credit for "discovering" Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands in the late 1970s, held fast to the dream. He bought the island and turned it into a high-high-end getaway complete with 13 bathrooms, a hot tub, a full gymnasium and an aqua trampoline.

But it's not just an idyllic getaway. It's also a source of profits. In a move that seems to defeat the purpose of a private island, Branson is renting the place out for $15,000 per day for up to seven guests, or $31,000 per day for 26 people.

In an interview with Villa Magazine, Branson said he decided to rent the island out because "it's important to share beautiful things like that, and I think it would be an indulgence not to, basically."

But some islands — such as Gardiner's Island off Long Island, N.Y. (not to be confused with Gardiner Island in the Philippines, which is selling for $7.5 million) — keep true to the title "private island."

The 3,000-acre island is the oldest private estate in the U.S. It has been owned by the Gardiner family for more than 300 years and is believed to be worth well over $100 million. (Not a bad investment considering English soldier-of-fortune Lion Gardiner is believed to have bought the island from the Algonquin Indians in 1639 for some cloth, a gun, gunpowder and a dog.)

The current lord of the manor, another 80-something-year-old bachelor, Robert David Lion Gardiner, does not allow visitors without an invitation. And that especially includes the taxman — imagine what the capital gains will be.

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