Super Bowl Commercials: McDonald's Lets You Pay for Food With Lovin'

Lucky customers will be selected to pay for their food with “Lovin.’”

"We want to thank our customers for making our day and hopefully they will make someone else’s as well – that’s what Lovin’ is all about," a spokeswoman for McDonald's said.

Between Feb. 2 and 14, customers who order items during pre-selected times will get to "Pay with Lovin'." In other words, a McDonald's employee will let you know if you've been chosen to get your order for free.

"From selfies, hugs to high fives - we have a bunch of fun ways to express your Lovin'," McDonald's says.

This is McDonald's first Super Bowl commercial in eight years. What has been touted as one of the greatest Super Bowl ads of all time is McDonald's 1993 ad that featured basketball legends Michael Jordan and Larry Bird playing a ridiculous game of H-O-R-S-E for a Big Mac.

Last Sunday, McDonald's released a 30-second teaser for its newest ad that stated, "This February, McDonald’s will be randomly accepting a new form of payment."

On Wednesday, McDonald's expressed a different kind of lovin' when it announced that its CEO of nearly three years Don Thompson was stepping down. The new CEO is Steve Easterbrook, who previously oversaw McDonald's in the U.K. then northern Europe.

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