Supreme court ruling won't stop push to control health costs

HACKENSACK, N.J. -- In 2010, Fred Aueron and his partners looked at the new health care reform law and decided to sell their five-doctor practice.

Medicare reimbursements were dropping, and private-insurance reimbursements were worse. To compete, they needed to be much bigger.

And none of those pressures will change, he says, if the Supreme Court throws out the law when it issues its long-awaited ruling, which could come soon as Monday.

"The small, onesie-twosie practice where you put up your shingle out of medical school is not going to be there any more," the 59-year old Millburn, N.J., cardiologist said. "The strategy was to go to a hospital or a large group. And if the Affordable Care Act (ACA) weren't there, it would be something else."

From Wall Street, the decision's potential impact on health care — and the health care business — looks huge. Barclays Capital analyst Joshua Raskin says some health insurance stocks might drop 30% if the court throws out the entire law.

The ACA would require Americans to buy insurance by 2014 or pay a penalty, subsidize coverage for the working class, expand Medicaid and reform Medicare, and further regulate insurance carriers — all in hopes of covering most of the 50 million Americans without insurance and cutting the 18% of gross domestic product the U.S. spends on health care.

Across the Hudson River in New Jersey, the decision's impact looks much smaller. At Summit Medical Group, which bought Aueron's practice and is the state's largest practice group, and Hackensack University Medical Center, its largest hospital, health care's bruising economics and falling reimbursements are spurring change before most of the act takes effect.

Both institutions provide a similar picture of America's health care future, with or without the ACA. They're big and getting bigger through mergers. They're tightening up management to respond to Medicare's push for cost containment and higher-quality care, which preceded the law.

The reason: Medical inflation, while moderating, continues to outpace general inflation, driving fiscal problems for states and for Washington. At the same time, health care remains a tough business: Bond-rating agency Moody's says non-profit hospitals, which control most of the U.S. market, have their lowest revenue growth in 50 years.

Both institutions are experimenting with new ways of getting paid. Hackensack is a trial site for new federally backed payment models such as Accountable Care Organizations, which bundle payments to encourage preventive care and try to de-emphasize costly tests and hospitalizations. Summit is part of a different federally backed experiment where better prevention and integration has helped a group of New Jersey practices cut emergency-room visits by a quarter and hospital readmissions by 37%, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield says. Both are spending millions on electronic medical records systems to avoid mistakes and document quality of care — a must as talks with insurers to get above-market reimbursements get tougher.

"The act made us all talk about it, think about it, and do it," said Ihor Sawczuk, chief medical officer at Hackensack. "But I don't think it will stop. It's the right thing to do."

Building scale to save fees

Jeffrey LeBenger understands the need to make health care cheaper. But he still wants his doctors to get paid.

The Brooklyn-raised ear-nose-and-throat doctor, who has been Summit's chairman for 12 years, knows many health care scholars cheer on networks like Pennsylvania-based Geisinger Health System, believing their use of salaried doctors limits hospitalizations, expensive tests, even excessive end-of-life care. But that's not Summit's business model, and LeBenger's job is to find a way to make his business work in a post-reform world — mending fee-for-service rather than ending it. Summit charges higher fees, yes, but delivers a lower total cost by reducing how much care people need to stay healthy, he says.

"I'll get the patient better, sooner," he said. "Our rates may be higher, but we don't overutilize, and we can prove it."

Running essentially a large corporation built on fee-for-service medicine, the Summit Medical chairman's changes aim to justify Summit's rates by helping patients reduce how much care they need to stay healthy. Since the Affordable Care Act is built to accommodate fee-for-service, a lot of health care's future will reflect his formula: using size and scale as an alternative to moving doctors onto a hospital payroll.

"The Affordable Care Act reflects a lot of what we're doing," Chief Financial Officer Rob Booth said. "Electronic medical records and a multispecialty environment where there is collaboration and quality management because there's enough scale to make the investment."

Make no mistake: Summit is big. When it took over the Berkeley Heights campus of Dun & Bradstreet, it had to expand it. It has 1,200 employees and 134,000 patients — aided by acquisitions that brought in 27 doctors since 2010, part of the 81 new docs added in the last five years. In parts of New Jersey, its market share is 40%. It plans more mergers this year to deepen its share in other counties, LeBenger said.

The goal is end-to-end medicine, nearly eliminating out-of-network testing and referrals that cost insurers extra. Summit has doctors in 70 specialties, its own same-day surgery center, even its own urgent-care center, a kind of junior emergency room. Only 6% to 7% of Summit's urgent-care patients are admitted to hospitals, LeBenger said, vs. the 13% to 15% of ER patients the Centers for Disease Control says were admitted in the U.S. in 2008.

Booth claims Summit can deliver 20% lower costs when its doctors provide more than half of a patient's care.

The strategy also demands management and supervision of individual doctors by the firm itself.

Summit has an in-house quality assessment team, whose tasks include reviewing care to make sure hospital stays are kept as short as possible; an electronic medical records system to coordinate care, prevent mistakes that require more treatment and to emphasize generic medications. It even commissioned New York University's business school to create a medical-economics and management course for SMG doctors The intense focus on studying practice patterns lets Summit sign contracts with insurers that let them gain rewards for saving payers money, said Pegeen Butterfield, a nurse who is Summit's director of care management.

It all costs money small practices don't have, up to 20% of Summit's revenue, Booth says. It's also leading to changes in pay practices: For example, the group now employs hospitalists to monitor patients inside hospitals, and up to a third of their compensation is bonuses tied to quality metrics, tracked by the EMRs, such as average length of stay and how often patients are readmitted.

The benefit patients can see is convenience, says Kara Whitely, a client from Summit, N.J.

Summit doctors delivered Whitely's baby, gave her shots before she traveled to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and, she says, removed her toenail and fixed her stress fracture when she got back. The shared records mean everyone she sees "knows my story." The size of the practice doesn't make it too impersonal, she said.

"If you go to a big university, you still find professors you connect with," she said. "I know the campus and doctors. It's a brand thing, and a trust thing."

There's a harder-headed economic reason, too, Aueron says. The mergers let Summit have enough presence at more hospitals in New Jersey that it gains more leverage on insurers.

Specialization and market share

Robert Garrett says to forget the idea that health care reform will mean lots of money for hospitals. Instead, the chief executive of Hackensack says it has to get smarter — and bigger — with or without the Affordable Care Act.

"If there's an increase in Medicaid, it will be more than paid for by Medicare cuts," Garrett said. The hospital, which gets nearly 40% of its $1.3 billion in annual revenue from Medicare and Medicaid, never took a position on the law, he said.

Like Summit, Hackensack is making deals to grow. Already the biggest employer in an affluent county of 900,000, the hospital, 7 miles west of Manhattan, has taken over the closed 128-bed Pascack Valley Hospital. It has also applied for permission to acquire 365-bed Mountainside Hospital in Montclair and has an alliance with a third hospital for cancer care. Dallas investor Legacy Health Systems will own a majority of Pascack and Mountainside, contributing $90 million to the Pascack deal.

Its strategy is to use Hackensack's national-class capabilities in areas such as cardiology and oncology to lure New Jersey's most complex cases to doctors who handle such patients more often.

"The idea is to export Hackensack quality to the community hospitals, but if there's something very specialized, rather than sending that patient to New York they can come to Hackensack," Garrett said.

One measure the plan is working: The bond-rating agency Moody's raised Hackensack's credit rating last July, saying the non-profit company's combination of mergers, specialized units that are boosting volume, and cost-cutting, including freezing its pension plan, made its already investment-grade debt even stronger.

Quality counts

Another part of Hackensack's plan is becoming a test site for a Medicare cost-containment plan called Accountable Care Organizations.

Launched in April, Hackensack's ACO is an alliance of the hospital and local doctors to emphasize prevention by encouraging early-intervention and disease management plans, and letting providers keep part of the savings. The pilot was authorized by the Affordable Care Act but is similar to earlier Medicare quality initiatives, Sawczuk said.

Hackensack has a toe in the waters of even deeper reforms. About 250 of the 1,600 doctors who practice at the hospital are salaried employees, rather than independent contractors like Summit. And the hospital, along with other New Jersey health systems, owns a small stake in an insurance plan.

Both point toward the possibility of a very different future for the health care business, in which independent doctors become even less important, and there is much more integration between insurance companies and health care providers. That's already common in parts of the country, where integrated plans such as Kaiser Permanente and Utah's Intermountain Healthcare do business.

Movement in those directions will be gradual, hospital executives say. Younger physicians are more likely to adopt the salaried-doctor model than older colleagues, Sawczuk said. For Hackensack, an important question is how rapidly doctors can be asked to change a system that has served them well, he said.

While more radical change may take years, and the court may force trillion-dollar changes in the industry's plans, electronic medical records, mergers and incremental shifts in doctors' financial incentives to emphasize prevention and quality care will go on.

"Medicare is demanding better outcomes and lower costs regardless of what the Supreme Court does," said Bernard Bober, patient representative on the board of Hackensack's Accountable Care Organization. "It's early days. But you can bet they'll know what the outcomes of these changes are, because measurement is a big part of it."