Unemployment claims rise slightly in most recent week

— -- The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits rose last week, though the data was likely skewed higher by seasonal factors.

Weekly applications increased 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 365,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. The four-week average, a less volatile measure, fell for a sixth week to 365,500, lowest since March 31.

The report comes a day ahead of Friday's July employment report, which will have the latest business payroll figures and will update the nation's unemployment rate. That report will be closely watched; if it is too weak, it could prompt the Federal Reserve to act to boost the economy.

Economists predict employers added about 100,000 jobs last month. That would be slightly better than the 75,000 a month average from April through June but still below the healthy 226,000 average in the first three months of the year. The unemployment rate is expected to stay at 8.2%.

The economy isn't growing fast enough to lower the unemployment rate.

The decline in the four-week average of unemployment claims suggests the job market could be improving a bit. But economists are viewing last month's figures with some caution because the government struggles every July to account for temporary summer shutdowns in the auto industry. This year was even more complicated because some automakers skipped shutdowns, resulting in fewer layoffs.

A Labor Department spokesman said the latest figures should be the last affected by the auto shutdown issues.

Weekly applications are a measure of layoffs. When they consistently fall below 375,000, it suggests hiring is strong enough to pull the unemployment rate down.

The seasonal distortions could affect the July employment report Friday.

U.S. economic growth slowed to an annual rate of just 1.5% from April through June, down from a 2% rate in the first quarter and a 4.1% rate in the fourth quarter of 2011.

The Federal Reserve cited the slowdown in growth after its two-day policy meeting, which concluded Wednesday. While the U.S. central bank took no new action at the meeting, it appeared to signal a growing inclination to take further steps to lift the economy out of its slump.

Consumers have grown more cautious about spending, a key reason growth faltered. Manufacturing shank in July for the second straight month, according to a survey by a trade group of purchasing managers.

Europe's economic crisis, which has already dampened demand for U.S. exports, could slow manufacturing further.

Worries have also intensified the U.S. economy will fall off a "fiscal cliff" at the end of the year. That's when tax increases and deep spending cuts will take effect unless Congress reaches a budget deal. A recession could follow, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has warned.

Many economists believe the Fed could launch another program of buying government bonds and mortgage-backed securities at its September meeting if the economy doesn't show improvement. The goal of the program, known as quantitative easing, would be to drive long-term rates, which are already at record lows, even lower.