Ways to Earn Money From Home: Rent Out Your Stuff

This week, columnist Elisabeth Leamy looks at rentals in a three-part series.

— -- I know the sharing economy has been around since at least 2011 because that’s when I did a GMA story on it. We were able to rent a guy’s cooler, a woman’s car -- even a dog -- and, finally, a friend.

What sounded outlandish then has become routine today. Here are just a few websites that broker these deals. There are many more. Just search, check the site’s reputation, and go! And while renting out your stuff may not allow you to quit your day job, it just might seed your start up!

Airbnb.com: This service allows you to rent out a room —or your entire house— to people who come to visit from all over the world.

RelayRides.com: Here you can rent out your car on a daily or hourly basis. The site even has the whole insurance thing figured out.

RentyThing.com: More comfortable renting your belongings on a smaller, more random scale? Why not monetize things like skis, tents, um gorilla costumes, what else?

Opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author.