2015 Golden Globes: Ricky Gervais Mispronounces Quvenzhane Wallis' Name

Pay attention Ricky Gervais!

Gervais appeared to be a little intoxicated and was holding a drink of some kind.

Wallis didn't win, but it goes without saying that her name should be pronounced correctly, so here you go.

Read: Golden Globes 2015 -- LIVE UPDATES

Quvenzhane is pronounced "kwah-ven-zsa-nay," according to the young star when she spoke to Mikey Glazer from The Wrap, and there is no Quaven, Kevin, or Johnny, is there?

Otherwise, Gervais was hilarious and Wallis, who is only 11 years old, is still adorable and beyond talented.

Here is her explaining the pronunciation below: