2016 New Year's Resolutions We Wish Celebrities Would Make

What we wish for our favorite celebrities in 2016.

— -- There are the New Year's resolutions that celebrities make, like losing weight and exercising more, working toward world peace, and giving more to charity.

Then there are the resolutions that we wish they would make.

We came up with a few lighthearted ones of our own. Take a look.

Adele: To take only 12 months to come out with a new album. (Okay fine, 2 years. Max!)

Duchess Kate: To wear as many glamorous dresses and tiaras as possible.

Kerry Washington: To finally write a book about how to successfully drink red wine while wearing white clothing and not spill.

Beyoncé: To officially join Coldplay at the Super Bowl.

Yolanda Foster: To be 100 percent well.

Helen Mirren: To write a book on how to look fabulous after 50.