Josh Scholl, Semi-Finalist, North Region

— -- Josh Scholl @JoshScholl (Semi-Finalist)

Favorite Karaoke Song?

Separate Ways by Journey.

Favorite Singer/ Group?

Tie between Journey, Queen, and Aerosmith.

First Job?

Caddy at Biltmore Country Club in Barrington, Ill. straight out of Caddyshack! The little guy trying to carry Rodney Dangerfield's clubs in the movie? Yeah, that was me everyday.

Biggest Accomplishment?Not only performing in industry award-winning shows at Six Flags Great America, but also designing and constructing some of the haunted attractions for Fright Fest!

Josh Scholl is a huge Cubs fan, grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and was first introduced to music when his father, a music teacher, suggested 7-year-old Josh start taking singing lessons to strengthen his asthmatic lungs. His parents later bought him a karaoke machine and he's been singing ever since.

Josh was a former entertainer at Six Flags Great America and is an aspiring musician and artist with a passion for 80's music. He credits his first gig, as the lead singer of The Breakfast Club, to karaoke. He explains, "I walked in to a karaoke bar [Cubby Bear North] one night, there was a live band playing, I sang some Journey and they said…'we're looking for a new lead singer for our band do you want do this?'" He sometimes goes by stage names like Roger Diamond and Sal Minella.

His day job is as a leasing agent for a local realty company. Josh likes to sing current, upbeat music, but really wants to bring back Rock and Roll. His family is very supportive and he feels karaoke is not just singing, but a way to show people who you really are.

He describes winning the title of Karaoke King, "We haven't seen a lot of championships in the last several years so it could be pretty amazing to bring it home to the city."

Will Josh make Chi-Town proud and bring home a championship? Find out in the coming weeks, Fridays 9/8 Central on ABC.