RL Bell, Semi-Finalist, South Region

Aug. 27, 2011— -- RL Bell @rl_bell (Semi-Finalist)

Favorite Karaoke Song?

Purple Rain by Prince

Favorite Singer/ Group?

My mom and dad.

First Job?

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Biggest Accomplishment?

When I won my pro card in bodybuilding, my job as a massage therapist, singing for so many big events and being on Family Feud.

Robert Bell, who goes by RL, is a Texas native and has lived throughout the Houston area. Like some of his fellow semi-finalists, he grew up in a very musical family and discovered his love for singing at a young age, through church. He started doing karaoke 10 years ago and wants to be the first person in his family to make it. "If I could be the one to do it that would be such a blessing," he says.

Apart from his singing he keeps busy with many hobbies including his hot rod, riding motorcycles and body building. He even received his pro card in body building and won first place in a Muscle Beach competition before having to take it easy after tearing his Achilles tendon.

He currently takes care of his mom who recently had a stroke and is a massage therapist by day. He loves massage therapy because he likes the feeling of giving back. He compares it to singing, "it's something I feel like I'm giving to another person to make them feel good, just like singing, you want to do a song that makes someone feel good."

Will RL Bell make the judges feel good enough to crown him Karaoke King? Find out in the coming weeks, Fridays 9/8 Central on ABC.