Your Choice: Pick the Oscar Winners

March 1, 2006 — -- Will there be a "Brokeback" sweep? A victory for "Crash"? Will George Clooney command the podium at the Oscar ceremony? Vote for your favorites by clicking on the ballots below and naming who you believe should walk away with Oscar gold this Sunday.

Best Director -- Who will be named best director of the year? George Clooney/Paul Haggis/Ang Lee/Bennett Miller/Steven Spielberg

Best Actor -- Name your pick for best actor: Philip Seymour Hoffman/Terrence Howard/Heath Ledger/Joaquin Phoenix/David Strathairn

Best Actress -- Cast your vote for the lucky lady. Judi Dench/Felicity Huffman/Keira Knightley/ Charlize Theron/Reese Witherspoon

Best Picture -- Which film will take the coveted top prize? Brokeback Mountain/Capote/Crash/Munich/Good Night, and Good Luck