Alec Baldwin Goes on Twitter Tirade Over Troy Davis
"30 Rock" actor bashes Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Michelle Malkin.
Sept. 22, 2011 -- Alec Baldwin's on a rampage, and it's not about GE microwaves or Schweddy Balls.
The "30 Rock" star and veteran actor has been tweeting about the execution of convicted cop killed Troy Davis since Wednesday night. Well, sort of -- his tweets have turned into a long-winded rant about subjects as removed from Davis as former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and conservative author Michelle Malkin. For example:
"When do Cheney and Rumsfeld go on trial for murder? Will that trial be in Texas? Georgia?"
"I wonder if @michellemalkin will push the needle in herself on a man the former FBI director said might have reasonable doubt on his side"
Baldwin's beef appears to be not just with Davis but also with "blood-thirsty right wing trash" and general world problems. This morning, he tweeted, "Troy Davis is still dead. The gulf, still contaminated. Fukushima, still radioactive. Iraq, war."
The 53-year-old actor makes no secret of his political leanings and has mulled running for public office, specifically, mayor of New York City in 2013. But in an appearance on David Letterman's "Late Show" last month, Baldwin said he may not be up for the rigor of running a campaign.
"It's the old adage you'd hear from people who are interested in politics: I would like to be the mayor, I don't know if I want to run for mayor," he said. "Running for mayor and being the mayor are two completely different things, and my life is changing: I'm going to do ['30 Rock'] for another year, and beyond that, I've got a woman in my life, my girlfriend who is very important to me."