Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals How He Fought to Change 'I'll Be Back'

The actor balked at the iconic line. Here's what he wanted to say instead.

"I remember when we were sitting there and we were arguing over the 'I'll be back' line," he said. "Which, of course, we didn't know was going to become such a famous line after the movie came out. I always felt that 'I'll' sounded weird."

The actor fought for it to be "I will be back."

"I said, 'That sounds more like a machine,'" he added.

Cameron replied, "Do I tell you how to act?"

Schwarzenegger, 67, said, "No" -- and the rest is cinematic history.

But, the actor said a "great relationship" developed between himself and Cameron because the director knew exactly what he wanted and a product came out that would stand the test of time.

To check out the rest of Schwarzenegger's interview, watch the full clip above.

"Terminator: Genisys" hits theaters July 15.