Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill Respond to Negative 'Batman v Superman' Reviews

See what the stars of the film and the director had to say.

Outlets like Entertainment Weekly and Variety gave the film a poor grade and called the plot incoherent and jumbled.

"We get the critics who have their personal opinions," Cavill told Yahoo UK. "The thing about personal opinions is they always come from a place and there's a preconceived idea which you have to get past, the critic, before you start writing your article or your review and that affects everything."

He continued, "What is really going to matter, I believe, is what the audience says. They are the ones who are buying the tickets."

The 32-year-old actor playing the Man of Steel added that after this weekend the audience will have spoken either way.

Affleck, 43, added, "I agree."

"I know we really hope the fans like it," she added.