Jason Hoppy Exploring 'Legal Options' After Bethenny Frankel Interview

Frankel gave a candid interview about the demise of her marriage to Hoppy.

Hoppy's attorney, Bernard Clair said in a statement to ABC News today that "he and his client were more than a bit surprised and troubled over the personal and private details articulated by Ms. Frankel about the marriage and its demise, and that they were exploring their legal options."

While Frankel acknowledged that many factors led to the breakdown of her marriage after two years, she said the biggest thing missing was respect.

"I write about mutual respect," she said, referring to her new book, "I Suck at Relationships So You Don't Have To." "People should be in relationships with people that really accept them and understand them."

Looking back, Frankel said there were warning signs that she ignored in her relationship with Hoppy.

"We brushed them under the rug," she said. "Cracks become craters. Little things that you see in your relationships and your friendships. ... I feel like in our personal lives, we [women] don't [acknowledge them]. I think men are just better about that than women."

That's just one of the lessons Frankel has learned through her failed marriage.

"I've learned that you need to go with your gut," she told Cohen. "Women have this biological clock. You want things to be a certain way and you have this idea of how things are supposed to be."

But, she added, the reality is that "relationships are really hard, and you have to go with your gut. It's the best shot you have."

Frankel and Hoppy, who have 4-year-old daughter Bryn, split in 2012 and have been locked in a contentious divorce ever since the former talk show host filed in early 2013. Though they settled the custody part of the divorce last June, Frankel told Cohen the divorce isn't yet final and she still shares an apartment with Hoppy.