Chris Harrison: Why I Would Be a Terrible 'Bachelor'

Not everyone is cut out to date 25 women, it turns out.

Feb. 20, 2014 -- Chris Harrison is a big believer in "The Bachelor."

As the show's host, he has witnessed firsthand the show's success stories, but he'd never want to be the the one handing out the roses.

"I love hosting it and it's a profession," he told ABC News during a press call Wednesday. "To turn it around and be on the show doesn't make much sense for me."

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Harrison, a single father of two, explained that it would be hard for him to focus on finding love, because he's so used to producing TV.

"It would be a mess," he said, adding that he'd always want to check on lighting and other production details.

Plus, "I don't think I would be very good," he added.

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"It's [got to be] someone who would give up to this process and really let themselves go," he said. "I could tell you, I wouldn't."

This season, however, it's clear that many of the contestants have given in to the show's premise, and Harrison promises "ugly cries ahead."

"One thing I would say [to prospective contestants is], 'Work on your crying. You don't want to be an ugly crier,'" hse said with a laugh. "I would watch movies. How do you look cute and sob?"