How Chris Pratt Felt About Being Overweight

"Jurassic World" star opens up about his heavier days.

Now, appearing buff on the cover of Men's Health UK, the "Jurassic World" star opens up about how he felt being overweight.

"When I was fat and unhappy, the only moments of respite I got were when I was eating. I felt great shovelling food down my neck and totally negative in between," he told the magazine. "Now mealtimes are sometimes lame, because that's the way it can be when you're eating healthily. But all the time between meals, I feel great."

Pratt blames love for his initial weight gain.

He kept adding on the pounds for his role as Andy Dwyer in "Parks and Recreation."

"I announced it to the whole cast, and then it became a bit of a game: How fat can I get and how fast," he told the magazine. "I would eat four burgers at every read. I became really fat and got up to almost 300 pounds. I had real health issues that were affecting me in a major way. It's bad for your heart, your skin, your system, your spirit."

As for his spirit, Pratt chooses to be optimistic about life.

"Your attitude is a choice," he said. "It's how I was raised. Are you going to leave people feeling good? It's about understanding that your attitude is contagious and asking yourself if it's worth catching."