Why Chrissy Teigen Has to Do a 5-Day Cleanse to Fit Into Her Oscars Dress

Think Waffle House, and Taco Bell and ...

But apparently, Teigen, 29, said that her and the gang hitting up the House for some eggs, hash browns and waffles wasn't random at all.

"Yeah! I'm so excited. We've been before—not for any reason except sneaking in, apparently. But this year we actually have a reason. Or John does, at least. Everyone is asking, 'Do you think he's going to win?' and I'm like 'I don't care, we get to go to the Oscars,'" she continued.

She had this to say about her dress for the big day: "I actually have my fitting today. I gained a lot of weight during the Super Bowl from Waffle House and Taco Bell and Jack in the Box and I asked my stylist to give me a five-day time to cleanse it out."

Five days to lose the weight?

"For some reason, I either go hard or I don't at all. I'm pretty lucky. I can pack it on in two days and I can lose it all in two days. I've been working out, though," she said. "I'm working out with my trainers and doing the juices and the salads. I love taking the salads I get from those crazy organic delivery places and putting them on a plate and then roasting my own lamb to put on top. I balance it well. And listen, if I'm not eating Waffle House and Taco Bell and Jack in the Box, anything will make me lose weight."