Courtney Love, Sam Lutfi May Be Working on a Kurt Cobain Musical or Movie

Sam Lutfi says he's working on a movie or musical with Courtney Love.

Oct. 28, 2012#151; -- Courtney Love is working on a movie or Broadway musical about her relationship with Kurt Cobain set to Nirvana music, according to none other than Britney Spears' ex-manager Sam Lutfi.

Lutfi is currently suing Spears and her parents for defamation and explained in court yesterday how he's been keeping busy.  "[Love and I] are currently working on a possible motion picture or Broadway musical based on the Nirvana catalogue, based on [Love's] life and Kurt Cobain's," he explained.

Outside the courtroom Lutfi clarified the musical/movie is just "an idea," which I suppose it has to be for now because Love is on bad terms with  both her daughter Frances Bean Cobain and Cobain's ex-bandmates.

But hey, if creating a musical that might never get made is keeping Courtney Love busy and off Twitter, I say go on with your bad self.  [ Guardian UK]

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