Craig Strickland Memorialized as Wife Shares the Letter She Put in His Pocket

The wife of the singer shared the note she put in his pocket before his funeral.

— -- Backroad Anthem singer Craig Strickland was memorialized today at a funeral in Rogers, Arkansas.

She also shared a photo of the letter she slipped into her late husband's pocket.

"I love him with every part of my heart, but I love our God more... and I know my God loves Craig and I more than we could ever imagine," she wrote in her post. "Therefore, God has a purpose. He makes everything beautiful in its time. Craig established relationships with each of us so that he could see us again. So let us love one another like Craig did."

"Let us pray for strangers. And let us establish relationships with one another with the goal of establishing Christ-like relationships so that we can see each other again in heaven," she added, before quoting from the Ecclesiastes.

Strickland, 29, went missing late last month after he went duck hunting in the middle of a storm. He was found dead on January 4.

"The night of the accident he had fought his way out of the water and up a hill before the stages of hypothermia set in. He experienced no pain in his final moments and simply felt like he was falling asleep," Helen Strickland wrote on Instagram last week. "They found him lying in the shape of a cross looking up to his Father. Thank you to every single person who prayed for him and our family during this time. There was not a more peaceful way for him to go into the arms of our Lord, and I know your prayers had a role in making that happen."