David Lynch Drops Out of 'Twin Peaks' Revival

Still, he said it "may still be very much alive" without him.

He said he began calling the actors to let them know he would no longer direct the limited series. He added that "Twin Peaks" "may still be very much alive" at Showtime.

"I love the world of Twin Peaks and wish things could have worked out differently," Lynch, 69, concluded.

In a statement obtained Sunday by ABC News, Showtime responded, "We were saddened to read David Lynch's statement today since we believed we were working towards solutions with David and his reps on the few remaining deal points. Showtime also loves the world of Twin Peaks and we continue to hold out hope that we can bring it back in all its glory with both of its extraordinary creators, David Lynch and Mark Frost, at its helm."

"Twin Peaks" originally aired on ABC for two seasons in the early 1990s.