New Details on Kelly Clarkson's Tennessee Elopement

The Grammy winner planned an extra special entrance.

Oct. 12, 2013 — -- Kelly Clarkson is set to tie the knot any day now with fiance Brandon Blackstock, but she has an extra special plan on how she's physically getting to the ceremony.

"What's kind of fun is Brandon's a pilot and I'm being certified right now, as we speak," the Grammy winner, 31, told ABC News. "So, I'm flying us there and he's flying us back."

The "Because of You" singer decided a few months ago it was best to cancel their wedding plans for October in favor of a small elopement with just the couple and Blackstock's two children.

Now, Clarkson said, she is just waiting on the children to get back from their mother's home -- Blackstock shares custody -- and then the four of them will head to Tennessee for the "small ceremony."

She can't wait for her special entrance.

"Who flies themselves to their wedding, I don't know!" she said. "We are really excited for the intimacy factor."

Read: Kelly Clarkson's Mom Had Surprising Reaction to Her Eloping

But it won't be a small group for long. Clarkson said she's ready to expand her new family almost immediately and have a baby of her own.

"Like soon! Brandon, he's a great dad and we wanted to make sure it's cool with [his kids], but they are really pumped about it," she said. "We actually, probably, want two more and he's got two, so four total. [The oldest] will be in her teens, so that's kind of like a live-in baby sitter."

Clarkson spoke to ABC News on Thursday night as part of an event supporting fair trade for coffee growers, teaming up with Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. The former "American Idol" star went to Peru as part of the promotion to meet coffee workers and their families.

"I'm a new parent now, so it's cool to meet parents whose goal is just to have better life for their children," she said. "That's what we want, too."

Related: Kelly Clarkson Wants to Elope

Fans loved the engagement photos Clarkson posted of her and Blackstock on Twitter in July and August, weeks before she decided to elope, so she said her family and fans will still get to see the nuptials.

"We are making a special video for our family and friends, and then doing one for fans -- because everyone keeps asking," she said. "We are actually putting together, since everyone liked the engagement photos so much, a little booklet kind of thing we will put online."

She said Twitter, Facebook and other outlets will definitely be full of photos from her special day.

An advance congratulations for Kelly and Brandon!