'DWTS' Sadie Robertson Gets Wardrobe Approval From Her Dad

'Duck Dynasty' star Sadie Robertson gets 'DWTS' wardrobe approval from dad.

But her dad, Willie Robertson, isn’t just her biggest fan -— he’s also her fashion adviser.

“It is just basic modesty,” Sadie told ABC News. “It’s out of respect that I ask my dad if it’s OK. I’m a Christian, it comes with me everywhere I go.”

The Robertsons are known for their conservative Christian values, as Willie and Sadie can often be seen disagreeing about her fashion choices on their hit reality show.

But now, he’s approving every “Dancing With the Stars” style before it hits the stage, video conferencing with the dancing duo to approve the outfit choices when he’s not there.

“Of course there are weeks where the dresses are a little shorter,” Ballas explained. “But I only do that when the dance requires it. If we need to see nice leg action [or] correct footwork.”

Robertson is also closely monitoring Sadie’s moves, making sure they don’t get too racy.

“Was your dad OK with that routine?” dancing judge, Carrie Ann Inaba, asked on “DWTS.” “That was a little edgy and a little sexy. There were a lot of hip thrusts.”

Reaction online to her father’s involvement has been mixed. Some viewers said her dad should lay off.

“Sadie has shown maturity and good judgment,” one person wrote. “He doesn’t need to be over her shoulder and making those faces he does.”

Many fans, however, continue to show big support for daddy knowing best.

“Her costumes so far have not been that revealing and it’s refreshing to see that,” wrote another. “She is only 17, so give her a break.”

For now, it seems Sadie is sticking around on “Dancing With the Stars,” as her performances continue to get high scores.

“My dad texted me saying you kicked butt last night,” she said.