Emma Watson Attends Harry Potter Play, Meets the Other Hermione

Emma Watson met Noma Dumezweni, the two Hermiones talked and took photos.

— -- The Potter worlds have collided.

In a lengthy Facebook post, Watson said that she went to see the show and then met the actors afterwards. The actress raved about the production and its cast, which she described as amazing.

“Having seen it I felt more connected to Hermione and the stories than I have since Deathly Hallows came out, which was such a gift,” she wrote.

Watson also posted a photo with Dumezweni to Twitter and wrote, “It was SO lovely to meet you @MissDumezweni. #Hermiones”

It was SO lovely to meet you @MissDumezweni. #Hermiones pic.twitter.com/xkh0PQyZEr


1. Now I feel I can share the maHUSSIVE Joy I felt, alongside the company when a beautiful, humble and very kind young lady saw @HPPlayLDN.

— MissNoma (@MissDumezweni) July 7, 2016,

2. @EmWatson It really was quite emotional to be in your company... And Thank you 4 your lovely self. We spoke of you with MAJOR respect ??!

— MissNoma (@MissDumezweni) July 7, 2016,

3. Blessings Dear @EmWatson and Thank You! ??????xxx pic.twitter.com/SIAqUxLBtm

— MissNoma (@MissDumezweni) July 7, 2016

It was SO lovely to meet you @MissDumezweni. #Hermiones pic.twitter.com/xkh0PQyZEr

— Emma Watson (@EmWatson) July 7, 2016

Dumezweni returned the sentiment with a series of tweets, one of which included a photo of the two. “It really was quite emotional to be in your company,” she wrote.

1. Now I feel I can share the maHUSSIVE Joy I felt, alongside the company when a beautiful, humble and very kind young lady saw @HPPlayLDN.

2. @EmWatson It really was quite emotional to be in your company... And Thank you 4 your lovely self. We spoke of you with MAJOR respect ??!

3. Blessings Dear @EmWatson and Thank You! ??????xxx pic.twitter.com/SIAqUxLBtm