New 'Game of Thrones' Season Will Debut in Summer 2017

Sorry fans: You'll have to wait a little longer than the usual Spring premiere.

The company had previously announced that shooting would be delayed, as well.

“Now that winter has arrived on 'Game of Thrones,' executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss felt that the story lines of the next season would be better served by starting production a little later than usual, when the weather is changing,” said Casey Bloys, the president of HBO programming. “Instead of the show’s traditional spring debut, we’re moving the debut to summer to accommodate the shooting schedule.”

The new season of "Game of Thrones," which nabbed the most Emmy nods of any other show last week, will include just seven episodes that will be shot in Northern Ireland, Spain and Iceland.

When we last left our heroes, Daenarys was converging on Westeros with her dragons, ships and armies, ready to claim the Iron Throne. In addition, having received the news that winter has arrived, Jon Snow was preparing to defend the North against the White Walkers, but without the help of Melisandre the witch, whom he banished. Meanwhile, Arya killed Walder Frey, the instigator of the Red Wedding, and Cersei had crowned herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.