Giuliana Rancic Dishes on New Book and Relocating to Chicago

The TV personality and her family are saying goodbye to Hollywood.

— -- Tuesday was a big day for E! News host and entrepreneur Giuliana Rancic, whose memoir, "Going Off Script," hit the shelves and immediately received a ton of buzz.

Rancic really opens up about her childhood, surviving cancer and her family in the book, but the entertainment icon -- known for her work on the red carpet -- also ends by admitting maybe it's time to slow down and enjoy more time with her husband, Bill Rancic, and son, Duke.

For this reason, Rancic, 40, will be moving to Chicago in the summer to be with her family full-time.

"I start one of the chapters with, 'When is enough, enough?' It's a question I pose to myself in the book. It's also something Bill and I ask each other all the time. We have been working our tails off," she told ABC News, adding she has been working since she was 14.

"Bill and I, we've always had jobs, we've always worked," she said. "We work a lot, weekends, day and night, and traveled a lot for work."

With Duke being 2 1/2 years old, "he knows when mommy is not home," she added.

"Now that he's at that age, it really is the perfect time to slow down a bit," she said. "In August, I get to make Chicago my home base, which is something Bill and I decided on a long time ago. It was a conversation I had with my bosses at E! a long time ago. That was always the understanding and I'm excited about that. That, in itself, will slow me down a bit. I just want to be more settled."

In the last couple years alone, Rancic has gone from being an anchor on E! to a businesswoman with her own line of wines and even a clothing line on the Home Shopping Network.

"That certainly keeps me busy and will keep me busy, but I compare it to a hike. When you take a two-hour hike to the top of a beautiful mountain. You go up the trail and you just keep going. You never really stop along the way to turn around to realize how beautiful it is halfway up," she said. "You finally get to the top, you look around, then you go back down. It's quick and you don't even enjoy it. I want to start enjoying the process."

With the future in mind, Rancic has two priorities set in stone -- her son and her husband.

"It's hard to believe that someone who is living their dream, that they would want to slow down," she said. "I'm busier than I've ever been in my life, but I'm looking forward to August. ... I will never regret spending more time with my son and my husband. That's something that I crave is family. I've worked hard to get to a place so that I can walk my son to school every day and still do my work."

Here are some other highlights from the book, according to Rancic.

The Hardest Chapter to Write and Talk About

"There were definitely a lot of emotional moments in the book, so it’s tough to choose the most emotional, but when I recorded the audio book a few weeks ago, there was one chapter I kept having to stop because I was crying. ... It was very, very hard, I had to take a break," she said. "I could not finish the chapter and that was when I talked about the miscarriage recently [that her surrogate had]. That was our last embryo and things were going great in the beginning of the pregnancy. About six weeks in, we found out it wasn’t moving forward. It's just such a disappointment and there's a real sadness there. ... It was hard to write, but even harder to read out loud. It made it more real."

The Best Part of the Memoir to Rehash and Write About

"One of the funniest moments was when I relive my days trying to be a Barbizon model," she said, laughing. "I was 13, with bad skin, a bad perm, and I think I went to Barbizon because I just wanted someone who wasn't my family to tell me, 'You're pretty.' ... I was hoping at the end when we took out final test, I would be deemed a runway model and then I could move to New York with my modeling certificate and be signed by Ford models. Unfortunately, the final test, I received 'athletic model.' ... They dressed me in their version of a tennis outfit and the picture is in my book. It looked like a prison jumpsuit for tennis players. ... it was just really fun to talk about that again and relive it. I put one picture in an envelope and sent it to New York. Needless to say, I never got a call back."

The Part of Her Life She Was Nervous to Include

"Stories of exes, that was a little nerve wracking for a couple of reasons," she said. "I didn't want Bill to read those stories. So, I forewarned him. I said, 'I do talk about certain exes in my book. Would you like to read the chapters?' He was like, 'No, you're fine. You need to tell your story.' ... There's never been jealousy in our relationship, But I think that was hard. I've had good relationships, I've had bad ones, but the way I chose which ones I put in the book was which ones shaped me and which ones could most people relate to. That's how I chose the stories, but that's also what made me the most nervous."

What Didn't Make the Book

"I never consulted with anyone while I was writing the book -- so, even my girlfriends. ... I didn't want to be influenced by anything when I wrote it," she said. "I kind of regret that, because once it was all said and done and turned in, I gave it to my closest girlfriends. They then proceeded to remind me of 20 extra fun stories. I was like, 'Oh my God, how did I not tell that Las Vegas story?' ... Who knows, maybe in the future I can do short stories and tie in some of those."