James Franco Is Moving to Port Charles

"Spiderman" actor will play mysterious stranger in recurring role.

Oct. 1, 2009— -- James Franco, yes, the movie star, will have a recurring guest role on the ABC soap opera "General Hospital" this fall.

The star of "Spiderman" and "Milk" will play a mystery person who comes to the fictional town of Port Charles. The recurring role will begin Nov. 20 -- to coincide with November sweeps -- and last about two months.

"General Hospital" executive producer Jill Farren Phelps said in a statement, it's "an honor that an actor of Franco's caliber would choose to spend some of his valuable time in Port Charles."

Franco, 31, has always sought out different roles. He played a villain in the "Spiderman" series, a gay man in "Milk" and a stoner in "Pineapple Express." He will star as Allen Ginsberg next year in the film "Howl."

Recently, he studied screenwriting at Columbia University in New York. He is also an artist, whose paintings have been shown at a gallery in New York. He has also directed and produced.

He may also win some new fans to "General Hospital."