Jennie Garth Gives New Details About Her Upcoming Wedding

The actress opens up about her big day and summer plans with her family.

So, at her upcoming wedding to actor David Abrams, she wants to be able to do just that -- move and shake.

"I want people to be comfortable. That's my priority," she told ABC News. "No uncomfortable clothing. No high heels!"

"I use other people's ideas so often as my inspiration," she said. "I’m a creative person. I don't just want to sit there on the couch and watch TV!"

"My 12-year-old is going to start boxing lessons with me, get some adolescent aggression out -- and I hike with my older daughter," she said. "My youngest is very active, from jumping on the trampoline to competitive soccer. We like to move! We don’t like to sit around."

Having said that, her oldest has spent some time in from of the television recently -- watching her mother in old episodes of "90210."

"I didn’t see her for four days because she binge-watched them," Garth said. "But she loves it. She was like, 'That's really weird, mom.'"