Justin Bieber Says He Wants to 'Settle Down' by 30

The pop singer said his "biggest dream" is to have a family of his own.

Still, the singer told Glamour magazine that his "biggest dream" is yet to be realized -- and it has nothing to do with music. The Biebs said he wants "to have a family of my own."

And, if he has his way, he could be making that a reality very soon. When asked if he wants kids, the 22-year-old said, "I'd love to be settled down by the age of 30."

Before he settles down, however, he said he's looking for a woman with "a genuine heart and a great sense of humor." Bieber also hopes to work on himself, telling the magazine that if there was one thing he'd change about himself it would be to be "more patient."

But when asked to name the last person he kissed, Bieber pleaded the fifth. "I don’t kiss and tell," he explained.