Justin Bieber Joins Forces With Skrillex, Diplo for New Music Video 'Where Are U Now'
Go behind the scenes of the star's new music video featuring two famous DJs.
-- It’s the most anticipated video debut featuring Justin Bieber soulful vocals that first made him a star.
“Where Are U Now” is a remix from producers Skrillex and Diplo who’ve joined forces under the name Jack U. The visuals are intertwined in a spectacular array of hand-drawn elements from scores of contributors.
“You have art being done in the background where they are actually taking each frame and giving it to an artist and they all are painting,” Bieber told ABC News.
“We rented out an art gallery and then from there we took all the frames from the video and invited different artists, fans, whoever wanted to come and draw on the different framed,” DJ and producer Skrillex added.
Bieber took “Good Morning America” behind the scenes while filming the first-of-its-kind video, collaborating with brother duo, directors Alex and Ben Brewer.
The result is a multi-media barrage that, perhaps, seeks to vault Bieber past his bad-boy behavior and into a recording artist of greater maturity and self-awareness.
Bieber has already joined Jack U on stage to perform the song live once at the end of March in Miami at this year’s Ultra Music Festival.