Kim Kardashian West on Her Struggle to Lose 60 Pounds of Baby Weight

She said she "felt like Gumby" after having her second child.

Kardashian West told PEOPLE magazine that following the birth of Saint in December, she “felt like Gumby,” adding that after looking in the mirror, she doubted whether her body would ever be the same.

One Atkins diet later, Kardashian West, who is also an ambassador to the brand, is back to her old self, saying that she was down to 132 pounds last month, according to PEOPLE. But she’s not done yet. To lose those stubborn last pounds and reach her goal weight of 120, the reality star has limited her daily intake to no more than 1,800 calories a day.

Kardashian West emphasizes hydration (she drinks 48 to 64 ounces of liquid a day), protein and vegetables, and limits her carbs. A portion of her daily food diary revealed protein-packed breakfasts, including scrambled eggs with turkey sausage and a cup of yogurt topped off with some fresh fruit.

And she isn’t cutting any corners. In addition to her dieting, Kardashian West also wakes up for 6 a.m. workouts when she’s home.

“Anyone who has kids knows your body changes and it’s hard to get your body back in shape,” Kardashian West said. “It takes so much determination and mental and physical power and energy.”

After giving birth to a healthy baby boy in December, the mother of two tweeted in January that she had already lost 30 pounds, with 40 more to go. Now closer than ever to reaching her goal, Kardashian West expressed pride in her determination and success, stating that she has “never felt better.”