How Kurt Russell Is Supporting Goldie Hawn's Comeback

The two spoke about their relationship of 34 years at the Golden Globes.

"It is like date night," Russell, 65, told Extra. "We don't do these very often."

"Goldie's gone 15 years [since] she's gone back to work, and they wanted her to present tonight," Russell said of supporting his lady love.

Hawn, 71, will play Amy Schumer's mother in the new movie “Snatched,” out in May.

At the Globes, Hawn and Schumer joked while presenting, Hawn misreading words on the prompter, while Schumer corrected her.

Russell sat in the audience smiling as Hawn cracked jokes, like saying "mystical" instead of "musical."

"Do you want to maybe throw on your glasses?" Schumer said to her on-screen mother.

Hawn continued, "The nominees of five of the most tainted men."

"It's talented," Schumer corrected her yet again.

Schumer ended up asking Kurt if he had her glasses, to which he mouthed, "She won't wear them." Watch the full skit above!