Mariah Carey: I'm Swollen, Sensitive and So Pregnant

After months of staying mum, Carey can't stop talking about being pregnant.

Dec. 1, 2010 — -- Once a diva, always a diva, especially when said diva is pregnant.

Mariah Carey has been appearing on the Home Shopping Network to promote her lines of costume jewelry and perfume -- and remind the world that she's with child.

"Excuse me for sitting here with my feet up," she cooed this week, sprawled out on a couch. "I hope everybody understands."

Over the course of multiple sit-downs with HSN hosts, Carey proffered more examples of just how pregnant she is:

"I can't get this ring off because my fingers are swelled because of being pregant."

"I'm so supersensitive about all things scented, being pregnant right now."

"I'm sitting here obviously pregnant, like every smell is a huge thing for me, and I'm sitting here and I'm still enjoying this. [As she spritzes her own perfume.]"

In addition, Carey gushed to "Extra" about her pregnancy cravings.

"My taste bud situation is unparalleled," Carey, 41, said. "I don't know what it is, but I'm just about fruit for some reason."

But she refused to reveal whether or not she's expecting twins. Talking about her pregnancy with Radio Disney earlier this week, she said "I just hope that they don't turn out hating Christmas!," prompting celebrity watchers to wonder if there's more than one bun in Carey's oven.

"I'm not telling anyone," she asserted to "Extra," talking about the twin rumors.

Carey's tell-all attitude about most other aspects of her pregnancy is a stark contrast from the stance she took a few months ago. Before October, despite rampant speculation that she was expecting, she refused to comment.

But on Oct. 28, she and her husband, Nick Cannon, confirmed that come spring they'll be welcoming what may well be a pint-size musical prodigy into their family.

Mariah Carey Expecting in the Spring

"Yes, we are pregnant, this is true!" Carey told "Access Hollywood's" Billy Bush. "It's been a long journey. It's been tough, because I've been trying to hold on to a shred of privacy."

Carey revealed that part of the reason she and Cannon, 30, kept her pregnancy a secret is because she had a miscarriage two years ago.

"It kind of shook us both and took us into a place that was really dark and difficult," Carey said. "When that happened ... I wasn't able to even talk to anybody about it. That was not easy."

Now, she and Cannon are ecstatic about their first child. Carey said she wants to keep the sex of the baby a surprise -- even to herself and Cannon -- but they aren't sure they'll able to stand the suspense.

"The greatest gift on earth is a child," Cannon said. "We've had names picked out from the first day we met and we want to stay true to that."