Did Mark Hamill Just Drop a Major 'Star Wars' Spoiler?

See for yourself!

He posted a tweet with a video getting his facial hair from "The Force Awakens" and presumably "Episode VIII," but left fans with a little message.

"Haven't seen my chin since May '15, so #FarewellFacialFur & #ByeByeBeard (at least til #EpisodeIX) @popculturequest," he wrote.

What caught fans off-guard was the mention of "Episode IX," which means he may not die in the next film, not that he was expected to. But his demise isn't much of a stretch, since major "Star Wars" characters are known to get killed off.

There's also the theory that if he does die, he could be a Force ghost.

So, though Skywalker's fate is still unclear, Hamill should be in at least two more films.