Matt Damon Clarifies Comments About Actors' Sexuality

He said his previous comments were taken out of context.

"I was just trying to say actors are more effective when they’re a mystery, right?” he told Ellen DeGeneres about having previously said actors shouldn't divulge their sexuality in the media. "And somebody picked it up and said I said gay actors should get back in the closet. Which is like, I mean it’s stupid, but it is painful when things get said that you don’t believe. You know what I mean? And then it gets represented that that’s what you believe.”

The veteran actor, 44, was promoting his new movie, "The Martian," and told The Guardian in an interview that ran on Monday that "When Ben and I first came on the scene there were rumors that we were gay because it was two guys who wrote a script together."

Damon, who supports same-sex marriage, added that he believes it must be hard for talented, gay actors.

For this reason, the Oscar winner believes "you’re a better actor the less people know about you period. And sexuality is a huge part of that."

"Whether you’re straight or gay, people shouldn’t know anything about your sexuality because that’s one of the mysteries that you should be able to play," Damon said.