The Meaning Behind Justin Bieber's New Face Tattoo

The singer got some new ink...on his face.

He captioned the photo: "Resting up for the show in Philly it's gonna be a good one mark my words."

Bieber, 22, is currently on his Purpose World Tour, which began last March in Seattle.

Bieber's tattoo artist, Jonathan Valena of West 4 Tattoo in New York City, revealed just what the singer has on his face and the meaning behind it.

"I did tattoo a small cross near the corner of Justin's eye," he told E! News. "It was a representation of his faith in Jesus and his journey with finding purpose in God."

Bieber's latest tattoo joins his large collection of ink. The singer has an image of Jesus on his left leg, a crown inked on his collarbone, another cross in the center of his chest, among many others.

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