Meet Meghan Trainor, Singer of 'All About That Bass'

The hot single about self-acceptance is climbing the charts.

— -- By now you've probably heard Meghan Trainor's red-hot single "All About That Bass."

However, what do you know about the singer herself? Here's a quick cheat sheet!

1. She's a Born Musician: Trainor, 20, started a band with her uncle, father, aunt and little brother when she was young, she told Billboard. She got her first record deal right out of high school

2. "All About That Bass" Is Personal: In her hit single, Trainor sings lyrics about self-acceptance, including, "I know you think you're fat/But I'm here to tell you/Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top." "I would never shame skinny people," she told DirectLyrics. "I wrote the song for myself and my insecurities and it seems to have helped many other people in world too. I'm so happy others can relate to it and understand what I'm singing about."

4. She Didn't Realize She Liked Dancing Until Recently: Trainor had always been a singer, but not necessarily a performer. On her Instagram page, she revealed she'd "never danced in front of people until the music video shoot for 'All About That Bass.'"

5. She Had to Fight for "All About That Bass": When she first pitched the song, Trainor told Billboard that songwriters complained that "All About That Bass" didn't have a "big chorus." "We were like, "No, that's the catchiest part of the song! That's our chorus and we don't want to change it,'" she recalled. "So we kept it, and that's everyone's favorite part."