Mike Huckabee Premieres Anti-Abortion Documentary in Latest of Films With Similar Message

Huckabee premieres anti-abortion documentary in latest of similar 2011 films.

Dec. 14, 2011— -- intro:quicklist: 1url: title: 'The Gift of Life'

text: Former GOP presidential candidate and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has been a vocal opponent of abortion. So it's no surprise that the ordained Southern Baptist minister has joined forces with conservative non-profit group Citizens United to produce and today host the premiere in Des Moines, Iowa, of a new anti-abortion documentary, "The Gift of Life."

"It is incumbent upon those who believe life starts at conception to fight back for the pro-life cause on the main stage by using the stories all around us that will touch the hearts and minds of Americans," Huckabee wrote for LifeNews.com.

The independent film "explores the sanctity of life as a moral issue and looks at the lives of individuals who were nearly the victims of an abortion," according to its website.

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quicklist: 2url: title: 'The Life Zone'

text: "The Life Zone" was written by New Jersey Republican politician and conservative filmmaker Ken Del Vecchio. The 2011 supernatural thriller about pregnant women kidnapped from abortion clinics features well-known actors Robert Loggia, Lindsey Haun, Martin Kove and Charles Durning.

"The clear message I'm sending as the filmmaker is that abortion is evil," Del Vecchio told the Los Angeles Times earlier this year of the independently financed film. "Generally speaking, filmmakers, executives and actors hold very liberal points of view and this isn't a topic that's of interest to them. But I don't care what Hollywood thinks."

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quicklist: 3url: title: 'Doonby'

text: The 2011 drama-mystery might not be as blatantly anti-abortion as some others, but the producers enlisted Norma McCorvey (the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade fame) to play a character who's critical of a woman who's contemplating an abortion.

"Our movie has people talking not about whether abortion should be legal or illegal, but about something that we should all be able to agree on: Every abortion performed means that something is lost," writer-director Peter Mackenzie told the Hollywood Reporter earlier this year.

"Doonby" includes actors John Schneider, Ernie Hudson and Martin Sheen's brother, Joe Estevez, as a gynecologist.

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quicklist: 4url: title: '180'

text: The 2011 film, available on DVD and the Internet, compares abortion in America to the Holocaust, prompting the Anti-Defamation League to deride it last month as "cynical and perverse," and "one of the most offensive and outrageous abuses of the memory of the Holocaust we have seen in years."

Filmmaker-evangelist Ray Comfort reportedly said that companies have denied his request to promote "180" on billboards in Southern California.

"They have the right to refuse, but I think their refusal hasn't been well thought out," he told the Christian Post. "These are the same companies that advertise atheists' mockery of God and the Bible, promote strip clubs and porn conventions."

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quicklist: 5url: title: 'Gates of Hell'

text: "Gates of Hell" depicts a time in the future when the government has outlawed abortion because black terrorists are murdering doctors who perform abortions as revenge for their perceived efforts to commit to "black genocide."

The independent film is set in 2016 and "chronicles the crimes of a band of domestic terrorists known as the Zulu 9," according to its website. "Ani Juva travels to the United States to better understand the mysterious black-power assassins, the bizarre eugenics conspiracy theory that drove them to commit extreme acts of violence and how America's political landscape was transformed forever."

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