Mila Kunis, Heidi Montag and More Stars Make Outlandish Body Claims

"Friends With Benefits" star puts her foot in her mouth with her latest comment.

Aug. 11, 2011 — -- intro: Sure, plenty of them boast enviable bodies, but celebrities don't actually possess a different physical makeup than the rest of us.

Given the things some of them say about the human body, though, you could be forgiven for thinking they do.

In an interview included in the latest issue of British Glamour, Mila Kunis said that anyone can lose weight, and if you can't, you're not trying hard enough.

"I'm a huge foodie. I love food," she said. "But when people say, 'I can't lose weight,' no, no, no, you can. Your body can do everything and anything. You just have to want to do it."

Kunis lost 20 pounds to play a conniving ballerina in 2010's "Black Swan" alongside Natalie Portman. While dance training and dieting helped her whittle down her frame, self-confidence was key, too.

"I don't think I ever fully [realized] what a human body is capable of doing," she told the U.K.'s Glamour. "But I think I was also, in a beautiful way, incredibly naive. I believed I could do anything. I never for one moment thought that I couldn't do it. I believe in hard work, in self-drive and self-worth."

But plenty of yo-yo dieters would agree that "self-drive and self-worth" isn't all it takes to score a Hollywood physique. Click through to check out more outlandish body theories from stars:

quicklist: 1title: Heidi Montagtext: Jaws dropped when Heidi Montag debuted brand new, larger-than-life breasts in November 2009. But going under the knife once didn't slay her thirst for more plastic surgery. In January 2010, after telling "Extra" that her breasts are probably a "triple D, F," the former star of MTV's "The Hills" revealed she wanted to go bigger. "I actually want H for Heidi."

She took it all back recently, telling the Daily Beast, "Sometimes I wish I could go back to the original Heidi. I don't want the biggest boobs in the world, and to be honest, I would take them out and downsize them, but I don't want to go under the knife again. I feel like I'm stuck with them now."media: 14273261

quicklist: 2title: Kate Mosstext: Kate Moss, that icon of uber-waif fashion, made headlines in 2009 when she was quoted by Women's Wear Daily's website as saying one of her mottos was "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

The phrase is commonly seen on pro-anorexia websites encouraging girls not to eat. Weight Watchers has used a similar slogan: "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."

Model Katie Green, who has campaigned for the fashion industry to stop the use of super-skinny "size zero" models, told the Sun newspaper Moss' comments were "shocking and irresponsible."

Storm, Moss' modeling agency, told the Associated Press her words had been misinterpreted.

"This was part of a longer answer Kate gave during a wider-ranging interview, which has unfortunately been taken out of context and completely misrepresented," the agency said in a statement. "For the record, Kate does not support this as a lifestyle choice."media: 14273308

quicklist: 3title: Gisele Bundchentext: After supermodel Gisele Bundchen gave birth to son Benjamin, she discovered the wonders of breastfeeding and implored other mothers to do the same.

"Some people here think they don't have to breastfeed, and I think, 'Are you going to give chemical food to your child when they are so little?'" she told the U.K. edition of Harper's Bazaar, according to the U.K.'s Daily Mail. "There should be a worldwide law, in my opinion, that mothers should breastfeed their babies for six months."

Shortly after Harper's published her interview, Bundchen backtracked, saying her breastfeeding comments had been misconstrued.

"My intention in making a comment about the importance of breastfeeding has nothing to do with the law," she wrote on her personal blog. "It comes from my passion and beliefs about children. Becoming a new mom has brought a lot of questions, I feel like I am in a constant search for answers on what might be the best for my child. ... I think as mothers we are all just trying our best."

For Bundchen, best meant giving birth in her bathtub at home while meditating. To prepare for labor, the wife of New England Patriots star quarterback Tom Brady adhered to a rigorous regimen of yoga, kung fu and meditation.

"Then I was ready, and I thought, 'OK, let's get to work,'" she said. "I wasn't expecting someone else to get the baby out of me. I had to do it together with him." media: 14273252

quicklist: 4title: Oprah Winfreytext: Oprah Winfrey didn't need to say it: She just put it on a wagon.

One of the world's best known yo-yo dieters, Winfrey, in 1988, famously pulled a wagon of fat -- representing the 67 pounds she lost on a liquid diet in four months -- onto her talk show stage.

Days later, her weight began creeping up until she reached a whopping 237 pounds. With the help of trainer Bob Greene, Winfrey shed the excess pounds, ran a marathon and hiked the Grand Canyon. Her dieting days appeared behind her.

By 2009, however, she had again crossed the 200 pound mark and lamented on the cover of her magazine that she had fallen off the wagon.

"When it comes to maintaining my health, I didn't just fall off the wagon. I let the wagon fall on me. I didn't follow my own fundamental rule of taking care of self first," Winfrey confessed in O magazine.

Her new vow: to put less focus on the scale and more on keeping her life 14273221