Why Nick Jonas Is No Longer Wearing His Purity Ring

And why the 22-year-old wasn't nervous doing sex scenes for his new show.

After a fan asked if he was still wearing the ring, he said "no."

"This is a real growth in me and not something I'm doing anymore," he added. "But I've got my set of values, things that are important to me now at this point in my life and that's all that matters."

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He also answered questions on if he was nervous to have his parents see him "have sex" on his new show "Kingdom."

"No, I wasn't [nervous]," he said. "There's one scene in particular that I'm curious for people to see ... because it was such an emphasis like 'Are you ready for this scene?'"

He said that "yeah," he was ready to be nude and that it's all part of the profession of acting. It's a scene that will come at the very end of the season.

"The emotional bill of it is pretty important, but also the physicality is kind of uncomfortable," he said.

He may be doing nude scenes and not wearing his ring, but Jonas said he still believes in his faith.

"What it is now, is I've had an incredibly intense journey with faith and religion and my own growth. My belief in God is still very strong and important to me as a person and I think that's all that should matter and sort of the other things around it are not as important to me," he added. "There's a lot of things I feel I agree with and a lot I don't. I grew up in a church environment and still have love for the church."

He added he doesn't want to "be judged and not judge."