Nick Jonas Opens Up About Marijuana Use, Teen Stardom

The singer on becoming a sex symbol and how he's "loosened up."

Now, his younger brother, Nick, is making a similar confession -- though he said he didn't do it with any of his former teeny-bopper co-stars.

"I smoked weed elsewhere!" he told Rolling Stone. "I wasn't partying too hard at 15, which is probably for the best. I've loosened up quite a bit since then. My Disney years feel like a long, long time ago."

Now embarking on his solo career, Jonas, 22, is embracing his life as a pop star. While he doesn't rule out teaming up with his brothers again, right now, he's enjoying his new pop star status.

"I think part of the beauty of being a pop phenomenon is that you're going 1,000 miles per hour, and it's all happening – and that's also the hard part about it. It's very easy to get used to certain things going at that speed, with that frenzy behind it. But it's not necessarily the foundation for the best, longest-lasting career," he said. "This time around, I'm trying to set up a foundation so that I can do what I love for the rest of my life. I see my career as not just music, but as hopefully an entertainer on all mediums, and someone who can have real influence and make great art."