Oprah Winfrey Reveals She Has No Regrets About Leaving Iconic Talk Show

Winfrey said she exited "in the exact right moment."

"I never wanted to be the person for whom people were saying, 'Oh, that show was so good two years ago.' I never wanted to be the person who [was told], 'You should've gotten out of the ring before you got punched stronger,'" she said. "I never wanted to be the person who didn't know when to exit the party."

Winfrey added that she feels she exited “in the exact right moment.”

“I’m counting the points every day and slowly it’s happening,” she said.

On the matter of weight loss, the entertainment icon added that her success does not depend on the scale. Rather, Winfrey said she goes by how she feels.

"It's a feeling where you get to the point where [you think], 'Oh, I can go to the store, I can pick that size, it's available, I don't have to, like, have it altered and all that stuff,’” she said. “So I'll know when I'm there.”