Oscars 2016: More Presenters Announced

Kerry Washington will present an award at the ceremony.

— -- The second round of Oscars presenters has been revealed.

Oscars producers David Hill and Reginald Hudlin announced the names of 13 celebrities who will be on-hand to present awards during the ABC telecast on Feb. 28.

"These artists have enriched the international movie-going experience with a range of memorable work from the comic to the profound,” the producers said in a statement. “In the process, they have won over millions of fans, and we count ourselves among them.”

Controversy surrounding the Oscars erupted last month after only white actors had been nominated for major acting awards. In response, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced that it was revamping its membership policies with the goal of diversifying the organization and doubling the number of women and minorities by 2020.

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