Prince Harry Gives Up Cockpit Seat for 95-Year-Old WWII Veteran

The royal marked his 31st birthday by honoring Britain's WWII veterans.

Prince Harry, the fifth-in-line to the British throne, described himself as “unbelievably fortunate and lucky” to be celebrating at the event on his birthday.

Harry, a certified pilot himself, was supposed to get in the cockpit and fly with the veterans, but when one of the planes broke, the prince gave up his seat so that 95-year-old Wing Commander Tom Neil could take part in honoring his fellow heroes.

“I can't begin to comprehend what they must have gone through,” Harry told Britain's Channel 4, which is preparing a documentary, “Battle of Britain: Return of the Spitfires,” on the WWII heroes.

While Harry focused on the veterans on his birthday, the prince will reportedly be the guest of honor at a boat party on the Thames later this week organized by his friends to welcome him back.

Now that he is back in England, Prince Harry has a busy fall ahead of him with multiple royal engagements and two foreign trips.

Harry will focus his attentions on wounded soldiers and veterans again this fall by helping them transition back to work and productive lives.