R2-D2, Darth Vader's helmet sold at auction

An R2-D2 unit used in several 'Star Wars' films has sold for $2.76 million.

The 43-inch tall droid unit, made from components used throughout the original trilogy as well as "Episode I," sold for $2.76 million at an auction, according to the Profiles in History auction house.

Profiles in History had previously said that it expected the droid to sell for between $1 million and $2 million.

Separately, Luke Skywalker's lightsaber sold for $325,000, according to the auction house.

Information on the buyers was not revealed.

The pieces were offered as a part of a three-day Hollywood memorabilia auction, which included numerous original props from the "Star Wars" franchise.

Here's a look at some of the other "Star Wars" props that were offered in the auction.

Darth Vader's helmet and shoulder armor

C-3PO droid costume foot used in "Star Wars: Episode V"

Death Star Turbolaser Turret from "Star Wars: Episode IV"