Ruby Rose Chose Not to Go Through Gender Reassignment Surgery

"Orange Is the New Black" star began saving up for the procedure at age 5.

"I had this jar that I would collect dollars. In fact, we were so poor it would’ve been cents. So we had, like, 19 cents to go towards this surgery that I really didn’t know a lot about," she told "Access Hollywood" last week. "I was like, 'That's what I’m going to do,' and so I started saving from probably the age of 5."

But about a decade later, Rose, 29, decided it wasn't what she wanted.

"When I got to 15 is when I kind of started to get more into my body and I shaved my head," she said. "I started to change the way that I dressed and walked, and realized that I didn’t want to transition. I just wanted to be more comfortable in my own skin."

"I want her to be my best friend. I think I've said this so much that she probably has a restraining order on me," she told "Access Hollywood." "It is a girl crush, but that feels weird coming from a lesbian. It doesn’t make so much sense, so I feel like just saying a best-friend crush."