Sarah Jessica Parker picks novel as 1st reading selection for national book club

You can join the "Sex and the City" star's book group.

Watts' novel, about the American Dream among African Americans in the South, has echoes of "The Great Gatsby," according to publisher HarperCollins. It follows JJ Ferguson as he returns home to Pinewood, North Carolina, with plans to build his dream house and win the heart of his high school sweetheart, Ava. But everything and everyone has changed, and Ferguson's newfound wealth stirs up the town, leading its residents to question whether they can reorient their lives to align with their wishes rather than current realities.

Parker will also start publishing books under her own imprint. She recently launched the SJP for Hogarth imprint, under which she will selectively publish works of fiction by established authors and emerging voices.

"As a lifelong book lover, as someone who treasures and admires the skill and talent of original and powerful storytellers it is my great privilege to be invited into the world and business of books," Park said in a press release.

"From an early age, books were my constant companions and my local library a place I could find a new friend on every shelf," she said.