Sarah Silverman explains why she chose career over kids

The 46-year-old comedian fired off a series of tweets about why she's childless.

The 46-year-old comedian took to Twitter Monday night to explain why she chose a career over motherhood.

"As a comic always working & on the road I have had to decide between motherhood & living my fullest life & I chose the latter," Silverman told her more than 10 million followers.

"Men don't have to do that. I'd so love to be a fun dad, coming home from the road & being my best fun dad self," she continued, adding, "u can't be a woman w/out sacrifice & that's the fact jack."

She then showed some love for her "comedian brothers that acknowledge this truth. They're my family & for a lot of us women comic sisters, our only family."

Despite that, a number of fathers took issue with her series of tweets.

"I'm a fan but you jumped the shark with that 1950s stereotype," John Miller Baron wrote. "Wake up and look around. PEOPLE sacrifice. Moms and Dads."

Another wrote, "Unlike self-serving men like me, working 40-60 hrs/wk to feed & clothe our families. You're so blinded by your own biases."

She also drew criticism from mothers, including some who chose both kids and career.

When columnist and mother of two, Ada Slivinski, tweeted to Silverman that motherhood has "filled my life more than I could have ever imagined," Silverman responded that she was only talking about herself and her fellow female comedians.

"Why would I want the govt involved in my love life? Ew. It's barbaric," she wrote on Twitter in 2014 when engagement rumors first sparked.