Behind the Scenes of Garth Brooks' 'GMA' Mother's Day Surprise

Up-close look at Garth Brooks' 400-mile journey for a Mother's Day surprise.

Brooks brought the Instagram posts back this morning as he traveled from Omaha, Nebraska, to Darlington, Wisconsin, to meet “Garth Brooks Mother’s Day Surprise” contest winner Karen Garrison. Her daughter Brook, who, like her brother Garth, is named after the famous country singer, nominated the mother of three for the contest.

The first #GarthGram came immediately after Brooks’ opening night show in Omaha -- the first of four nights of shows in the tour’s stop in Nebraska.

Even Brooks didn’t know where he was headed when he got on the plane, as he lets everyone know he only knows one thing: they’re leaving Omaha.

Three hours in, Brooks still isn’t quite sure what state they’re in, but he is just excited for the big "GMA" Mother’s Day surprise.

“There’s nothing better in the world than moms,” he said. The sun was up for the fourth #GarthGram, as Brooks asks everyone to tag their favorite mom in the comments section.

The journey finally ends as Brooks, quietly, of course, waits for the big reveal on "GMA."

It’s pretty safe to say Garrison was surprised and overjoyed to see her favorite country music superstar at her home.

Before Brooks could leave, he had one last surprise for Karen and the rest of the Garrison family.

Before everything was over, Brooks had one final Mother’s Day #GarthGram: a tribute slideshow to his own mom.