'Star Trek Beyond': 10 Burning Questions

An ABC News reporter and "Star Trek" newbie has her questions answered.

Like other genre movies in 2016, "Beyond" is a treat for die-hard fans, but might be confusing for someone who doesn't know about "Star Trek." After all, this is the third movie to come from the modern incarnation of the iconic series that boldly goes where no man has gone before.

ABC News' Ricki Harris was kind enough to ask candid questions when watching clips from the movie's trailers, so that hopefully the answers will help others like her who are excited about the blockbuster, but don't want to be confused during the flick.

Here are her 10 burning questions. As always, be kind, she "boldly" asked what was on her mind!

Sadly, no. The titles may seem similar, but the series are vastly different. J.J. Abrams is the main linchpin between the two iconic franchises, having directed films from both, but the actors, mostly, and the stories are different.

2 - What is the Starship Enterprise?

3 - Where does this take place?

Tough question to answer, but it's important to know it will happen most likely not be contained to Earth, but "where no man has gone before," so other planets and galaxies.

Also to be noted, it seems as shown in the trailers that the crew gets split up, thus it should take place simultaneously at different planets and regions of space ... and maybe even time? (Not like we haven't seen that before.)

4 - Why does Spock talk like that? "The fear of death is illogical."

Spock is only half human. He is also half Vulcan. The Vulcans are a humanoid species that focuses mainly on logic and reason. Spock, at times, shows emotion, but only for something huge, like when Kirk's life is on the line. Most of the time, however, he speaks in facts and figures when advising his captain.

5, 6 and 7 - Who are the other characters?

Jaylah, played by Sofia Boutella, is a female warrior that rivals any man, and as we have seen, kicks butt with the best of them. Her pale skin and striped face make her as imposing as her impressive moves.

8 - Is this supposed to be in the future?

Yes. This movie takes place in the mid-23rd century.

9 - Is this movie supposed to have humor too like the Marvel movies, not just action?

10 - Wait, why did Zachary Quinto just disappear?

I was waiting for this one. Those not familiar with "Star Trek" might not be aware that they often teleport onto different ships and different planets. That's what Spock just did.

Now, go enjoy the movie!